Oral Cancer

The Effects of Smoking on your Mouth

Jan 17 • 1 minute read

 In no way, does smoking ever equate to "Oral Health". In fact, it is quintessentially the polar opposite! With contributions like Halitosis [unpleasant breath], teeth/denture staining, oral and lung cancer, hundreds of carcinogens... It's not a surprise to see inflammation of the palate from excessive temperatures generated by burning something in close proximity to the roof of the mouth. Periodontal Disease [gum disease] is not a matter of if for a smoker, but when. Also Periodontitis [loss of bone] is 3 times more likely to occur in a smoker than a non-smoker. Those are staggering numbers, especially when you consider that statistically, smokers lose more teeth than non-smokers, too. In fact, The majority of dental implant failures in the industry are as a result of smoking. As we mentioned before, smoking is directly linked to cancer, and over 9,000 deaths a year in the United States as a result of oral cancer, 75% of which are caused from some form of tobacco use.

Not a Smoker? You still could be in danger, especially if you live with a smoker (closer proximity to second hand smoke). It is also a risk factor if you have children, because if they breathe in second hand smoke (even in very small concentrations) it can adversely affect their growth and development in SO many different ways, even their oral health! Children exposed to second hand smoke can have problems producing their adult teeth, a process which usually begins between the ages of 3 and 6 years. Good News though! If you quit smoking NOW, 10 years from now your risk for cancer will be similar to that of a non-smoker. There are a number of ways to quit smoking, too- Nicotine Patch, Nicotine Gum, Spray, Nicotrol Inhalers, and even Electronic Cigarettes. You can start at 18 milligrams of Nicotine (approx. 1 pack a day worth) and wean yourself down to zero nicotine, and kick the habit completely, without ever suffering a withdrawal symptom. There are more great quit-smoking tips on the internet, too! And feel free to ask your Doctor, Dentist, or Healthcare Professional for additional suggestions.

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